Friday, June 5, 2020

Unanimous Agreement

Some people are adamant in their stance that corporations should be taxed at a low rate. Others favor higher corporate taxes. Some people think soccer is a fantastic sport. Others feel like it lacks excitement.

People have different views on numerous matters. But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s this: Japanese snack food commercials make no sense whatsoever. They are completely insane and remarkably entertaining. Go to YouTube and watch some Japanese snack food commercials. I’ve seen thousands of them. Including the dandy ones that feature American movie stars. Here’s the typical ad like that. Arnold Schwarzenegger is tap dancing on a flying carpet and he’s speaking Japanese and putting a chopstick in his ear while Aladdin is playing traditional Japanese music on a banjo. And Arnold’s objective in doing this is to encourage people to eat a sweet, sour, and spicy seaweed based snack food known as konsumeh arigati. And do you know who else wants people to eat plenty of konsomeh arigti? A pigeon in a samurai outfit who’s proposing marriage to Sacagawea. Watch the commercials. This is what goes on in the great nation of Japan. You got all these food companies competing to sell their snack food to the Japanese general public--and apparently, the key to victory is bombard the TV viewer with bountiful quantities of extreme ludicrosity.

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