Thursday, June 25, 2020


While the sun is shining, bask in it! - Malawi Proverb 

No matter how big the whale is, a tiny harpoon can kill him. - Malaysian Proverb 

If the rabbit is your enemy, admit he can sprint fast. - Mali Proverb

He who lingers around will hear bad things spoken about him. - Mexican Proverb 

If you want to live in peace, you mustn’t tell everything you know, or judge everything you see. - Mexican Proverb 

If you don’t honor your wife, you are dishonoring yourself. - Mexican Proverb 

Sparrows who mimic peacocks are likely to break a thigh. - Myanmar / Burmese Proverb 

The zebra told the white horse, “I am white,” and told the black horse, “I am actually black.” - Namibian Proverb 

Even a small mouse has anger. - Native American Proverb 

Being happy in one’s home is better than being a chief. - Nigerian Proverb 

Until lions have their own historians, accounts of the hunt will always celebrate the hunter. - Nigerian Proverb 

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